Funded by the European Union Framework Programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020 under grant agreement No 635340|

Emulsifying properties of a glycoprotein extract produced by a marine Flexibacter species strain TG382


Tony Gutiérreza, Vincent V. Leob, Graeme M.Walkerb, David H. Green


We report, for the first time, on the production of an emulsifying polymer produced by a Flexibacter species (designated strain TG382). This polymer, E-382,was produced extracellularly during growth of the organism in a marine broth amended with glucose. After cold ethanol precipitation, extensive dialysis […]

Glycoprotein emulsifiers from two marine Halomonas species: chemical and physical characterization


T. Gutierrez, B. Mulloy, K. Black and D. H. Green


Aims: To partially purify and characterize bioemulsifiers produced by two new marine Halomonas species, TG39 and TG67, and to compare their emulsifying activities with those of commercial emulsifiers. Methods and Results: The production of emulsifiers HE39 and HE67 was achieved from glucose-supplemented marine broth, and recovered […]

Isolation of glycoprotein bioemulsifiers produced by marine bacteria. In Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols, Springer Protocols Handbooks, Eds. McGenity et al. DOI 10.1007/8623_2014_1, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (In press)


Tony Gutierrez, Ibrahim M. Banat


High-molecular-weight (HMW) surface-active agents (biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers) are produced by many different types of bacteria and comprise proteins, glycoproteins, lipoproteins, polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides or complexes containing any combination of these structural types. The attraction of HMW glycoprotein bioemulsifiers as ingredients in food and drink formulations, for example, has increased […]

18 November 2015|Tags: , , , |

Emulsifying and Metal Ion Binding Activity of a Glycoprotein Exopolymer Produced by Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain TG12


Tony Gutierrez, Tracy Shimmield, Cheryl Haidon, Kenny Black, and David H. Green


In this study, we describe the isolation and characterization of a new exopolymer that exhibits high emulsifying activities against a range of oil substrates and demonstrates a differential capacity to desorb various mono-, di-, and trivalent metal species from marine sediment under nonionic and […]

6 November 2015|Tags: , |

Partial purification and chemical characterization of a glycoprotein (putative hydrocolloid) emulsifier produced by a marine bacterium Antarctobacter


Tony Gutiérrez, Barbara Mulloy, Charlie Bavington, Kenny Black, David H. Green


During screening for novel emulsifiers and surfactants, a marine alphaproteobacterium, Antarctobacter sp. TG22, was isolated and selected for its production of an extracellular emulsifying agent, AE22. This emulsifier was produced optimally in a low-nutrient seawater medium supplemented with glucose and was extractable by cold ethanol […]

12 October 2015|Tags: , , , |