Funded by the European Union Framework Programme for research and innovation, Horizon 2020 under grant agreement No 635340|

Surface-active biopolymers from marine bacteria for potential biotechnological applications


Karina Sałek and Tony Gutierrez


Surface-active agents are amphiphilic chemicals that are used in almost every sector of modern industry, the bulk of which are produced by organo-chemical synthesis. Those produced from biological sources (biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers), however, have gained increasing interest in recent years due to their wide structural and functional diversity, lower […]

Microbial Biosurfactants as Additives for Food Industries


Jenyffer Medeiros Campos,  Tania Lucia Montenegro Stamford, Leonie Asfora Sarubbo, Juliana Moura de Luna, Raquel Diniz Rufino, Ibrahim M. Banat


Microbial biosurfactants with high ability to reduce surface and interfacial surface tension and conferring important properties such as emulsification, detergency, solubilization, lubrication and phase dispersion have a wide range of potential applications in many industries. Significant […]

23 November 2015|Tags: , , , , , |

Les biosurfactants, plus que jamais sollicités


Ibrahim M. Banat 


Les recherches sur les surfactants, agents utilisés comme émulsifiants ou dispersants, sont stimulées par les préoccupations écologiques. De nombreux microorganismes producteurs de surfactants biodégradables pourraient permettre, à l’ avenir, de mieux lutter contre les pollutions.

Full text available


23 November 2015|Tags: , |

Microbial biosurfactants production, applications and future potential


Ibrahim M. Banat & Andrea Franzetti & Isabella Gandolfi & Giuseppina Bestetti & Maria G. Martinotti & Letizia Fracchia & Thomas J. Smyth & Roger Marchant


Microorganisms synthesise a wide range of surface-active compounds (SAC), generally called biosurfactants. These compounds are mainly classified according to their molecular weight, physico-chemical properties and mode of action. The low-molecular-weight […]

23 November 2015|Tags: , , , |