A Marisurf press release was issued on April 21 https://www.hw.ac.uk/news/articles/2021/marine-alternatives-for-petrochemicals-in.htm summarising progress with the project.
The Euresearcher magazine published an article which focussed on the Marisurf end user perspective and their requirements for novel biosurfactants and is available via https://issuu.com/euresearcher/docs/digital_magazine_eur26 and directly on the website http://www.euresearcher.com/14/eu-research-live, where you can view the article on page 44.
The Project Repository Journal published an overview article on the Marisurf project and it is available via https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=8f60f420-1a8e-4c17-9806-d064ac6b0d57 – page 98