The project was extended until end February 2021 due to COVID working restrictions in 2020 .  This allowed the 3 Marisurf end users – Nanoimmunotech, Marlow Foods and APIVITA – to do further testing on the most promising strain ( partially replacing some of the surfactants /emulsifiers they currently  use with the Marisurf alternative) . Both APIVITA and Nanoimmunotech had some good results at pilot scale .  One of the issues that had not been expected at the outset of the project was the appearance of bacterial endotoxin  during the large-scale fermentation processing work . In the final period, much work was done to  attempt to remove this endotoxin and to understand whether the endotoxin was contributing to the functionality of the end product. The results suggest that the active component of the Marisurf strain has a distinct composition and functional activity from the endotoxin fraction. Clearly, the endotoxin presence is something that is worthy of further investigation as it will arise with all novel bioemusifiers produced by Gram-negative bacteria and will hold back the application of these molecules in consumer products.